
Thanks, I will try again after it finishes the current internet
installation and backup it with clonezilla just to know, if does not work
just will restore the bk...


On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:34 PM, mike cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Miguel Cardenas <mfcarde...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I've download Fedora 16 to install in onto my new notebook that comes
> with
> > no dvd drive... so I used liveusb to create a bootable USB with the
> ISO...
> > It starts the installation but then it says it does not detect a DVD
> drive
> > and it starts to install slowly via internet, so what is the case of
> > generate the USB with the installation disk? Or what should I do so it
> > installs from the USB?
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> >
> It might be an idea to create a bootable usbkey with the netinst.iso
> file rather than the live usb iso, and also have the DVD iso on the
> usbkey as well, and then boot to netinst.iso and add a kernel line
> parameter of the form repo=hd:device:path-to-iso where the path-to-iso
> points at the DVD iso.
> Here "device" might be /dev/sda2 for the usb key or whatever is
> relevant to your machine and the path is relative to the root of the
> usbkey.
> I have not tried it with usbkeys for f16 but it is worth a shot - once
> the install is in progress make sure you don't miss the bootloader
> section and make sure that you carefully check or set that it will be
> written to the hard drive and not the usbkey...... you may need to
> switch the bios drive order when you get to that screen in the install
> process.
> --
> mike c
> --
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