On 11/06/2011 12:11 PM, Alan Cox wrote:
> Right now btrfs is not a production fs. In 18 months maybe, in six months
> the bits like fsck may exist in a usable form but I don't believe there
> will be enough testing history to be sure.
> It took a very very long time to get the reiserfs fsck usable and it was
> never really 100%. Btrfs is a similar challenge, if not in fact a larger
> one in some respects.

  Alan is dead on - btfrs should absolutely not be the default fs in
fedora / RHEL - its not ready yet, and Chris Mason seems to say exactly
the same thing - and he should know.

  That said - of course anyone willing to use it - great - go ahead the
more testers the better :-)


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