On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 16:47 +1000, Nick Urbanik wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> After a power surge and a spontaneous reboot, my 4-core F15 x86_64 machine
> has been unhappy.  I have forced a selinux relabel, and a forcefsck.
> Symptoms:
> 1. The graphical boot did not complete: it started Nagios, but cupsd
>     failed to start, and gdm did not start up.
> 2. I cannot log in on the text consoles; I can type the username, but
>     no prompt appears for the password.
> 3. Attempts to use sudo just hang.
> 4. I can log in by ssh as either myself or as root.
> 5. named is using "97.5%" CPU, though when I turn on querylogging,
>     there are very few lookups.
> 6. Attempts to start cups result in complaints about dbus:
> # systemctl start cups.service
> Failed to get D-Bus connection: Failed to authenticate in time.

Wonder if running into a systemd problem that I had due to dbus issue
day or 2 ago?

Might upgrade to this and see if that helps fix it.


Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"The best town on Earth!"

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