Okay, now I see that cupsd and dbus processes are present,
but not accepting connections.  And further:
# systemctl kill cups.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Failed to authenticate in time.
# systemctl
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Failed to authenticate in time.  

I have setenforce 0, and the behaviour appears unchanged.
rpm -V indicates no apparent problems with pam, systemd, cupd, or any
of the dbus packages.  Any suggestions most welcome.

On 28/09/11 16:47 +1000, Nick Urbanik wrote:
>Dear Folks,
>After a power surge and a spontaneous reboot, my 4-core F15 x86_64 machine
>has been unhappy.  I have forced a selinux relabel, and a forcefsck.
>1. The graphical boot did not complete: it started Nagios, but cupsd
>    failed to start, and gdm did not start up.
>2. I cannot log in on the text consoles; I can type the username, but
>    no prompt appears for the password.
>3. Attempts to use sudo just hang.
>4. I can log in by ssh as either myself or as root.
>5. named is using "97.5%" CPU, though when I turn on querylogging,
>    there are very few lookups.
>6. Attempts to start cups result in complaints about dbus:
># systemctl start cups.service
>Failed to get D-Bus connection: Failed to authenticate in time.
>/var/log/messages says nothing of the matter.
>Now systemctl is new to me, and I am not sure how to diagnose this.
>I would be grateful for any suggestions.  Where should I look for
>further clues?
Nick Urbanik http://nicku.org 808-71011 nick.urba...@optusnet.com.au
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