snip > > Ahh, this is all about GNOME 3. It's very unfair to describe the > actions/attitude of GNOME developers at that of all Fedora developers. >
snip > > Not to mention KDE and XFCE. > > GNOME 3 is, to say the least, controversial. Ubuntu Unity hasn't had a > uniformly great reception either. GNOME 3 is still in its first > release, and it'll be interesting to see how it develops. > > Andrew. I remember the problems with the migration from KDE 3 -> 4, being a long time KDE user. Anyway, I persevered with KDE 4, and after about 6 to 12 months things improved. That may just be that I became more familiar with KDE 4, as much as any fixes and updates. Whatever, I suspect the same will happen with Gnome 3, frustrating as that may be. Meanwhile I wish those that persevere with Gnome 3 all the best. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: