Am 23.09.2011 19:32, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 09/21/2011 11:42 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> please try "yum update" and post output, witout exactly outputs
>> everybody must guess waht you mean, anyways "ntfsprogs" gets
>> some "replaces" updates the last time what yum would show in
>> a clean way
> Whatever makes you think this would do any good?  I use yumex, every 
> morning, and before accepting its recommendations yesterday I composed 
> that question to this list, copying the information exactly.  You 
> already have all the information I have.
nice for you that you use yumex every morning but this does nothing
change in the fact that it is only a gui-wrapper for yum while yum
is more expressive

i requested the output of "yum update" in a TERMINAL and not the
output of a grapical tool hiding informations!

this makes me not thinking that it makes anything good, but it
helps to understand your problem or even figure out that there is
no problem

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