Am 21.09.2011 20:31, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> I just started an update of Fedora 14 by yumex, and it listed ntfsprogs 
> 2011.4.12-5.fc14 twice.  Both are from updates and are the same size. 
> I'm sure this is harmless, but does anybody know what's going on?

please try "yum update" and post output, witout exactly outputs
everybody must guess waht you mean, anyways "ntfsprogs" gets
some "replaces" updates the last time what yum would show in
a clean way

P.S.: the peopole who decided to moderate my mails to the list
should consider revert this or push them a little faster instead
of days and weeks later or silently drop them

normally a moderated list anserwers instantly that it is moderated
and also sends notifies if a message is rejected, this list is
a randomly black hole

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