Am Montag, den 19.09.2011, 18:11 -0700 schrieb Craig White: 
> I'm sitting here and laughing at the stupidity of this suggestion. 

Well, erm. Sure.

> Considering that one of the primary elements of security is IP
> Addresses, you are leaving the determination of this security to the
> whim of some moron who plugs in a wireless router or worse yet, someone
> with intent to assume control over your network and made it as simple as
> setting up a DHCP server - something you can easily do on a Windows
> workstation.

In case you need it, i can provide you with a script that scans for dhcp
servers which mac adresses are not known and deactivates the switch port
on which the mac adress of this device is found. ....

Should i continue? Please don't tell me this is idiotic, i know what can
happen and what to do if this happens.

You can setup on an Windows Workstation an DHCP Server? What Version
would that be? ;) 

> If you actually have enough servers that it becomes a chore to maintain
> their network configuration because you are incapable of any reasonable
> long term planning of private IP LAN space where there is hardly any
> limitations, you should be using puppet or chef or cfengine or something
> that is capable of doing configuration management for a wide range of
> networked systems.

Sure, Company gets bought, you have to migrate your network into a wider
range of other networks, cause of VPN Routings. You never have been into
such a situation?

Now please tell me how to plan this?

> Craig



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obi unixkiste org                The first one is for beeping all the time,
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