Am Montag, den 19.09.2011, 08:09 -0600 schrieb linux guy: 
> Thanks.
> I'll continue to statically assign the server ips.

Depends on how many server you have, this is the thing i would not do ;)

If you are responsible for a large number of boxes you have a
significant problem after changing something in your infrastructure.

1.) change of Network Range 
2.) change of DNS/Gateway/Ldap IP Adresses.

With a manual solution you have to fix every damn box after changing
something. If you do use your dhcp server to assign static adresses,
there is only a single configuration file where you have to change

If you use a DHCP Server driven solution you can have pxe boot for
rescue systems, kickstart installations and so on. 

Have fun thinking about it ;)


Stefan Held                      VI has only 2 Modes:
obi unixkiste org                The first one is for beeping all the time,
FreeNode: foo_bar                the second destroys the text.
perl -e'map{print pack c,($|++?1:13)+ord,select$,,$,,$,,$|}split//,ESEL.$/'

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