inline and at bottom ...

On 8/17/2011 6:36 AM, Tim wrote:
> The original poster isn't trying to "telnet," they're using the the
> telnet client as a diagnostic tool for other services.


>>>> Ping works great between all of the machines for both<otherX>  and
>>>> <otherX>.localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper
>>>> should
> Partially...  Remember that he had two subnets (192.168.10 and
> 192.168.2)

Not certain if this is correct ... but I might not be understanding what 
you mean by two subnets.

I have up to found Linux boxes ... static 192.168.2.{10,11,12,13}

I have a Linksys WRT54GL ( that 3 of the Linux boxes are 
wired into. That WRT is connected to a larger net which eventually has 
Verizon out to internet. I am localizing the tests to only run on two of 
the Linux boxes which are wired into that WRT to minimize "points of 
failure". I would consider my testbed to be a single subnet ... am I 
>> He is not doing any MX-queries, he is telnetting to the mailserver.
> Now...  But, later, if he wants to do full email service between all
> machines, it may be important to do everything properly.

Um ... yeah ... if I can learn enough in this beginning phase I know 
that the word "properly do a full mail service" is potentially part of 
my future ... but I'm putting blinders on until I can get a simple 
telnet from one machine to another on the LAN.

>>> You might want to expand upon *why* you're wanting to use different
>>> FQDNs for machines.  That may point out where the snag is.

FQDNs ???

There have been a couple requests for me to explain what and why I have 
things the way I do and I am trying to get something written that makes 
sense (and doesn't ramble)

>> As far as I see, he is not.
> It looked to me like he was.  But his original post was far from clear.

What do I need to clear up?


Appreciate the feedback and I am hoping I answered everything (sort of 
the "what/why"). I think I've gotten it down to "I can make things 
happen in iptables, but either not what I want or something else needs 
to happen" -- posted latest results earlier tonight.

I do want to reiterate that your understanding of my using telnet is 
right. My eventual target is mail, but telnet seems like a much easier 
testing target to get the basics down in regard to learning what I need to.

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