On 07/05/2011 08:50 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 19:37 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:57:44 +0100, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:
>>> On 06/30/2011 01:31 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>      [....]
>>>> It's a secret :-) Seriously, I noticed it maybe a year or so ago and
>>>> have mentioned it several times on this and other lists, but it's still
>>>> not well-known. It certainly didn't exist 13 years ago. The earliest
>>>> reference I can see in a quick Google is early 2010 (F12).
>>> $ rpm -q --changelog yum-utils | grep -C1 needs-restarting * Wed Nov 04
>>> 2009 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - add needs-restarting
>>> I noticed it had appeared in yum-utils some time in the last year or so
>>> - yum-utils is one of those packages that I infrequently do a rpm -ql
>>> yum-utils | grep bin for in case anything new has popped up - I think
>>> it's also been mentioned on the list a few times.
>>      Oh good: if it's in yum-utils I have it on all machines. So does 
>> it run itself, like at least some of the other things in that package? Or 
>> should I be invoking it on occasion?
> You run it yourself from a Shell. I don't know if any of the magic
> package UI stuff also does this, but I don't use any of that.

The desktop PackageKit stuff should handle this itself (I don't think it calls
out to the script - see the backends for the different update management tools.

I think pkcon will notify you of this from the command line if you use it to
install updates rather than running yum directly.


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