On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 22:46 +0000, BeartoothHOS wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:38:34 +0100, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:
>       [....]
> > Then you should know to run needs-restarting when it has finished to
> > check for this yourself.
>       Maybe the OP knows, but in thirteen years of running linux 
> (almost all RedHat or clones) I've never heard of it. And googling found 
> me nothing comprehensible. Can you point me to something?

It's a secret :-) Seriously, I noticed it maybe a year or so ago and
have mentioned it several times on this and other lists, but it's still
not well-known. It certainly didn't exist 13 years ago. The earliest
reference I can see in a quick Google is early 2010 (F12).

There was once a thread here (I know I was on it, and I think Alan Cox
too) which discussed how to detect when processes needed to be
restarted. Certainly no-one knew about n-r at that time and it wasn't so
very long ago. I even started hacking something together at the time.
Possibly that gave someone the idea to write n-r, but it's hard to tell.


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