Le 04/07/2011 18:56, Eric Tanguy a écrit :
> Le 04/07/2011 16:29, Patrick O'Callaghan a écrit :
>> On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 16:26 +0200, Eric Tanguy wrote:
>>> Since few days now i have a name resolution problem. For example when i
>>> entrer a new address in firefox it returns that the name can't be
>>> resolved. Reloading the page and firefox display fine the page. I have
>>> the same problem from thunderbird or cli using yum.
>>> The network is up using network manager with ethernet and dhcp. The 
>>> name
>>> server is the box ip. This configuration is the same as other pc on the
>>> same network and these pc don't have any problem so i think the problem
>>> is specific to this f15 machine but i don't how to investigate.
>>> Any help ?
>> What do you mean by "the name server is the box ip"? Do you mean your
>> router's IP or the computer's own IP? If the latter, then unless you're
>> running bind on your local machine that's your problem.
>> Check the real situation thus:
>> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
>> That will tell you what your name servers are. Make sure they exist and
>> are actually resolving names, e.g. if /etc/resolv.com contains:
>> nameserver 1.2 3.4
>> then try:
>> $ dig @ mit.edu
>> Do the same on your other machines. Are they all using the same
>> nameserver?
>> poc
> Yes i mean my router's ip.
> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> # Generated by NetworkManager
> domain home
> search home
> nameserver
> $ dig @ mit.edu
> ; <<>> DiG 9.8.0-P2-RedHat-9.8.0-5.P2.fc15 <<>> @ mit.edu
> ; (1 server found)
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
> Difficult to compare with other computers because they are under winxp 
> ...
> it seems that the problem is mainly after return from hibernate but 
> i'm not sure ...
> An example : i
> Eric
I finish my mail : i just try 3 times to send the mail because 
thunderbid failed to send it due to configuration problem on the server 
smtp.googlemail.com I open a CLI and run ping smtp.googlemail.com the 
server answer fine and i achieve to send my email.

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