On Mon July 4 2011, Eric Tanguy wrote:
> Since few days now i have a name resolution problem. For example when i
> entrer a new address in firefox it returns that the name can't be
> resolved. Reloading the page and firefox display fine the page. I have
> the same problem from thunderbird or cli using yum.
> The network is up using network manager with ethernet and dhcp. The name
> server is the box ip. This configuration is the same as other pc on the
> same network and these pc don't have any problem so i think the problem
> is specific to this f15 machine but i don't how to investigate.
> Any help ?
> Thanks
> Eric
In addition to the suggestions given by anyone else, might I suggest trying
Google Public DNS servers? and are the IP addresses. My ISP
apparently runs some sort of filtering and occasionally I have problems with
their DNS, so I switched to Google and that pretty much resolves the issue
for me. :D
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