On 06/22/2011 02:05 PM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

>>   gene
> Boot with enforcing=0 Should allow you to complete the relabel and
> remove /.autorelabel
> I would then login and yum -y update
> And also run restorecon -R -v /var
> To make sure everything is ok.

  Thanks Dan - sorry took a while to get back - just found time to do this:

  Ok this seems to have worked - I was still dropped into emergency mode
after relabel finished - at least I assume it finished as the
.autorelable file was removed.

  Now there is one quirk - I assume this has to be unrelated to relabel
(am still in permissive mode) and rather due to update - sealert is
failing to run now:

  % sealatert

Opps, sealert hit an error!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 692, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 112, in run_as_dbus_service
    app = SEAlert(user, dbus_service.presentation_manager,
  File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 326, in __init__
    from setroubleshoot.browser import BrowserApplet
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/setroubleshoot/browser.py",
line 46, in <module>
    import report.io.GTKIO
ImportError: No module named GTKIO

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