On 06/22/2011 02:05 PM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

> Boot with enforcing=0 Should allow you to complete the relabel and
> remove /.autorelabel
> I would then login and yum -y update
> And also run restorecon -R -v /var
> To make sure everything is ok.

  Hi Dan and thanks for your comments.

  I tried enforcing=0 selinux=0 (and rhgb removed)

 But systemd made life very difficult getting in the luks passwords. I
can't remember now if the /run read-only error was there or not doing
that but I think so.

 I suspect systemd needs to not use plymouth in multiuser target with no
rhgb to retrieve luks password info.

 I can try again this eve - with enforcing = 0 the relabel will still be
done ? Machine is already fully updated (and now has 3.0 kernel + some
other bits).

 I logged this epistle here:


 Thanks again ... will report back

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