>> I tried adding
>>title chain14
>>       rootnoverify (hd1,8)
>>       makeactive
>>       chainloader +1
>> to grub.conf .
>> When I tried to use it, I got
>> Error 18   : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS.

>>Could the problem with using my boot partition with my
>>F14 be that my F14 knows something else is /boot ?
>>Could I fix that by editing my F14's /etc/mtab ?

> I don't knoW what your rootnoverify is doing

> You first message showed an F14 stanza (no chainloading)
> Try calling that; just copy it to your F13 grub.conf
> and then choose it instead of the F13 default

1) what do you mean re
"problem with using my boot partition with my F14" ??
You already said your F14 is _not_ using a boot partition.

2) I have never found it necessary to edit /etc/mtab

3)I have never used rootnoverify on a Linux boot;
I think rootnoverify is primarily used for Windows stanzas
 on dual boot configurations.

4) Any result yet from copying f14 stanza to f13  grub.conf
and then choosing the f14 from the f13 on-screen menu?

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