>> Alas, F13.
>> I suspect that the problem might be that putting a bootloader
>>in (hd1,8) doesn't make the startup code (BIOS?) use it.

> I tried adding
>title chain14
>       rootnoverify (hd1,8)
>       makeactive
>       chainloader +1
>to grub.conf .
>When I tried to use it, I got
>Error 18   : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS.

>Could the problem with using my boot partition with my
>F14 be that my F14 knows something else is /boot ?
>Could I fix that by editing my F14's /etc/mtab ?

I don't know what your rootnoverify is doing

You first message showed an F14 stanza (no chainloading).
Try calling that; just copy it to your F13 grub.conf
and then choose it instead of the F13 default

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