On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 20:42 -0400, Alex wrote:
> will there be a great performance benefit to using RHEL over fedora?

I don't know if you don't care about the following, or don't know about

When it comes to servers, it's a major pain to have to update the
operating system, and software, on a regular basis.  And Fedora has a
very short lifespan.  Leaving you with having to keep on backing up and
re-installing your data after doing a system upgrade, every half year or
so.  Or, if you can't handle backing up and restoring your data, staying
with an out-of-date system, which gets more and more security issues.

On the other hand, RHEL, CentOS, or various other RHEL-based systems,
have much longer life spans.  You'll have to update the system software
far less often.  And program updates, within the same system release,
tend to be more compatible with the prior configuration and data.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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