On 06/05/11 20:45, James McKenzie wrote:
> On 6/5/11 8:11 PM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
>> On 06/05/2011 07:42 PM, Alex wrote:
>>> I recall reading that CentOS is having trouble keeping up with the
>>> latest RHEL. Is this currently a problem? Any input on whether future
>>> updates will be delayed as well?
>> CentOS 5.6 was released several months after RHEL 5.6, and CentOS 6
>> still hasn't been released.  (RHEL 6.1 was just recently released.)
>> As they say in the investment business, "past performance is no
>> guarantee of future results."  I don't think anyone can really say
>> with confidence what the future holds for any of the distributions
>> that are derived from RHEL sources.
>> (For the sake of full disclosure, I do work for Red Hat.  Hopefully,
>> everything I've written above is relatively uncontroversial.)
> The problem with CentOS updating to RHEL 6.x releases is the amount of
> imbedded RH information that they have to remove, by law.  Once that is
> complete, there should be a CentOS 6.x release.  I will not blame RedHat
> for this, the codebase is different and more files means more stuff to
> remove/replace.
> BTW, I do work with RHEL 5.5/5.6 at my workplace and we are looking to
> move to 6.x as soon as it is approved.
> James McKenzie
I thought that the license of OpenSource distributio
does not allow it to be bundled with closes proprietary
software. So, does RHEL contain such proprietary SW?

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