Linuxguy123 wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 09:30 -0600, CS_DBA wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone know of any projects / methods to install Fedora on a tablet
>> like the iPad or an android tablet?
>> I have an iPad and I run into things I wish I could do with it every
>> day. Linux on my tablet would rock!
> I just bought a Dell Inspiron Duo.
> Firstly, I'd say its an iPad killer.  Its has USB ports.  It has enough
> power to run youtube videos.  It does Flash, for better or worse.  It
> has a 320GB hard drive and 2GB of RAM.  It has Bluetooth, ie it can be
> tethered to a phone.  It has enough power to run real applications.  And
> on and on.
> Probably the biggest downfalls are that it doesn't have a camera and its
> a bit heavier than an iPad, but it also has a real (usable) keyboard
> built right in and when you close it up the screen is totally protected.
The lack of a camera will be a problem for some people.

> As far as Linux goes, I haven't run it (yet) on my Duo, but there are
> videos on youtube of it running Ubuntu Unity in a pretty snappy fashion.
> If you (or others) want to run Linux on a Tablet, I'd say its a very
> good place to start.  I'll let everyone know when I get around to
> installing it.
The world awaits your progress.

> The other thing to be aware of is that the KDE team is working on
> something called Plasma-Active.  I recommend Googling it.
Yes, now that GNOME is adopting a "you will do it the way we like it" attitude 
I'm looking at other WM options.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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