Hi again:

Thanks once more for all your helping. Well, I don't know if baobab can help
me or if its installed or how to search for it (is it a joke?, I have not
space and are you suggesting me to install more things? ¬¬), I'm trying the
JDiskReport but also not installed, (I don't know how to install and run
successfully the java files like this one or JabRef i.e.) I'm running a
version from web, and it's interesting the result.

Scanning the / directory, it says my distribution is the next:

Total 7.5 GB
/var 3.0 GB
/usr 3.2 GB
/opt 532.5 MB
/home 508.1 MB
/lib 231.6 MB
so inside /usr and /var there are all those package that are eating my HDD.

Clicking inside each one I can see the next information:

/lib 1.5 GB
/share 1.5 GB
/bin 162.1 MB
/include 35.4 MB


/cache 2.3 GB
/spol 504.5 MB
/lib 99.7 MB
/tmp 67.1 MB

I don't know if this level of information is enough, I think the contents
iside /var/tmp can be erased without problems. But my doubt is about /cache

I have to add that inside this system I have 3 users (me) another called mmc
and a guest. This is because although this is only an experiment for a
project, my mates wanted to have a way for access and use this system, but
actually they never used, so perhaps I can erase the otehr two accounts....
I don't know who much it can help me.

Finally I want to say that a Java application can be very useful even if you
can use it in any OS. That's the reason why I enjoy JabRef for example for
admin my references and use them with latex, and if you have few free space
inside your HDD as me, maybe a tool as the JDiskReport can be very useful
and let you solve a problem without sacrifice the small free space you have.

Well, that's all for now.
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