On 04/18/2011 11:46 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 04/18/2011 09:22 AM, JD wrote:
>> But the OP seems not to have taken this road :)
> And wisely, IMO.  Not because it's not a good idea but because doing
> that would require him to trust the hosting company, and I think they've
> already proven themselves to be untrustworthy.  Moving to a new company
> (and making sure that this time the contract *requires* them to install
> a more current OS) is probably his safest option at this point.
Even so, see as Fedora becomes "OLD" in about
a 18 to 36 months, what hosting company is going to agree to update the 
Not very many!
A second drive solutions is the best solution regardless of the hosting 

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