Hi David,

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 7:26 AM, David A. De Graaf <d...@datix.us> wrote:
>> >
>> > Maybe put those lines in your ~/.bash_profile or whatever is the
>> > profile file for your shell?


> That's what DID NOT work for me.
> I replaced that with your file, which also doesn't work.
> That is, after running startxfce4, synclient lists the synaptics
> options, including   TapButton1 = 0
> Oddly, I can manually change it in an xterm with
>  synclient TapButton1=1
> and this value applies to ALL X processes, including an already
> running firefox session, not just the xterm it was run in.

I have two suggestions,

1. use 'Exec=bash -c "synclient TapButton1=1"' as your Exec line
2. use my previous solution with the ~/.bash_profile

> Why won't the <name>.desktop files do the same?
> More importantly (to me), why does xorg.conf fail to initialize these
> synaptics options (as it used to)?
> I guess it's time for a bugzilla report, if only I knew which component
> was culpable - xfce-4.8, kernel, X, etc.?

I am not sure you can file a bugzilla report on the Fedora bugzilla as
its a community package (although maintained by the official Fedora
maintainer). But you can post it on the fedora XFCE list[1]. However if
you have an account on the upstream bugzilla, I think this bug report
would be more appropriate there.

Hope this helps.


[1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce

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