Here is the link I talking about

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Zoltan Hoppar
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 10:41 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Bootable usb stick with the fedora install

/partially off topic


Just an technical question - is it possible to add next to memtest and such
utils our liveusb creator as an boot menu option? I mean, the user loads the
disc, and If he/she choosing this option - the ISO copies to RAM along with
liveusb creator - and the user could write out to anywhere - to the target

/ partially off topic eof


2011/4/2 mike cloaked <>:
> On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 7:49 PM, mattias <> wrote:
>> Yes I try to put the installer on the stick
>> I do
>> Dd if=cdimage.iso of=/dev/sdb
>> Like the page says
>> I don't have the link now
> I have never had much luck with that dd method.  I do the following 
> and have not had any problems with this method since I started using 
> it a year or two back:
> First I plug the usbstick in - and check the device name by looking at 
> /var/log/messages - let's say the device is seen to be /dev/sdb1. Then 
> *as root* I do the following (the # is the root prompt so the command 
> is after the "# ": # umount /dev/sdb1
> # livecd-iso-to-disk  --reset-mbr
> /home/mike/Documents/install_stuff/f14-beta/Fedora-14-Beta-i386-DVD.iso
> /dev/sdb1
> If you have an oddball file structure on the stick you can reformat it 
> at the same time by adding the "--format" flag to the above command 
> (without the quotes of course) Amend the path to the iso file to suit 
> the location and name of your install iso, and the correct device name 
> for your stick. This needs the livecd-tools package installed so 
> ensure it is there before you start.
> This works flawlessly for me in f14, and it did in f13 also. When I 
> boot from the stick it just boots to the installer and off I go.
> --
> mike c
> --
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