On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 9:05 AM, JB <jb.1234a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I am wondering if Fedora takes into consideration providing GNOME 2 as
> well (in parallel) with F15 and for some time beyond ?

As a former os2 user I ran the same desktop interface with a frozen
API for almost a decade... software still gets written for it,

What is so bad about a frozen API? In this case, a frozen Gnome 2.x
API? the other underlying components can evolve (kernel, x.org etc)
but nothing prevents people from continuing building gnome 2.x on top
of each new linux release. Suppose all Gnome 2.x devs die (we´ll all
die, eventually)... whats the technical barrier to continue bulding
Gnome 2.x forever?

Sorry if I´m missing something... I´m half asleep.

I just think a frozen API is actually good, as it allows people to
just fix crashing bugs and stop re-inventing the wheel and prevents
feature creep and bloat...

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