2011/2/14 Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak <m...@avtechpulse.com>:
> On 02/13/2011 04:22 PM, antonio montagnani wrote:
>> I m using Fedora for photo manipulation with Gimp.
>> When I open a folder containing raw files I don't see thumbnails of
>> pictures on one of my system while on the other I can see them (Jpeg,
>> Pef and Dgn files). I made the test with the same folder copied from my
>> network storage.
>> Any idea??
>>   From both system I cannot see thumbnails on the network storage for any
>> kind of document, image, PDf and so on (NAS is an Iomega StorCenter ix2-200)
>  From a Nautilus window, use Edit > Preferences and check the "Preview"
> tab. Check the "Show thumbnails" and "Only for files smaller than" settings.
> - Mike
> --
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tnx Michael,

already tried, but everything is o.k.

Please check also this thread and reply there:
Fedora 14: Gconfd and thumbnailers

My question is:
if I delete some folders /.gconf /gnome /gnome2 and I logout then I
login, should it work??

Tnx again

Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
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