antonio montagnani ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on 
13/02/2011 23:32:
> antonio montagnani ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on
> 13/02/2011 22:22:
>> I m using Fedora for photo manipulation with Gimp.
>> When I open a folder containing raw files I don't see thumbnails of
>> pictures on one of my system while on the other I can see them (Jpeg,
>> Pef and Dgn files). I made the test with the same folder copied from my
>> network storage.
>> Any idea??
>>    From both system I cannot see thumbnails on the network storage for any
>> kind of document, image, PDf and so on (NAS is an Iomega StorCenter ix2-200)
> another clue: I don't see only thumbnails of PEF files, but if I open
> one pEF file by The Gimp, and I close it thumbnails is shown.
> Thumbnails are otherwise shown with the undefinite thumbnail with a tree
> and sunset.
same problem with a Dgn file that is shown on a PC and not shown on the 
other.The system that doesn't show thumbnail is not a fresh installation

Prima di stampare pensa all'ambiente
Think about environment before printing
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora 14 Laughlin on Casa
Linux user number 362582

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