On 01/27/2011 10:14 AM, Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
> Tim wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 21:25 -0700, Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
>>> Windows changed the system clock from UTC to local time, so fedora
>>> needed to do a complete relabelling before I could finally boot up
>>> again.
>> I can't see why that was necessary.
> I've experienced it before. It says something like the last disk access is in
> the future, or something like that.

IIRC, Windows forces the hardware clock to the local time.  If you
intend to dual-boot between Winblows and Linux, uncheck the "System
clock uses UTC" button in system-config-date "Time Zone" tab and adjust
your clock again to make sure it's right.

- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, C2 Hosting          ri...@nerd.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-                 All generalizations are false.                     -
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