Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote: > You can also use the much smaller (220 MB) boot.iso CD image. You can > find it on a mirror site at: > > .../releases/14/Fedora/x86_64/os/images/boot.iso >
I already tried that. It didn't work. A black screen appeared with a grub menu and it was not able to detect that I already had grub installed to the MBR of the first hard drive. It did not give me the normal option of a rescue disk, where you hit the ESC or TAB or whatever in order to type 'linux rescue'. As a result, I fumbled around with grub commands, telling it which was root and kernel and initrd, but with the new fedora kernel boot line that sets up the keyboard and all that other stuff, which is impossible to remember in its entirety, the boot failed, hanging even before plymouth. And booting the system was not what I wanted, I wanted rescue. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: