Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 23:41:31 -0500
> Bill Davidsen<>  wrote:
>> It is a general Fedora problem, not hardware related. If you have a
>> laptop connected with WiFi and mount an NFS volume, on resume it
>> tries to use NFS before the network is up. Then the mount goes away.
>> I see it on every laptop and have for years.
> try:
> echo 'NETWORKWAIT=yes'>>  /etc/sysconfig/network
> The problem is that NetworkManager just brings up network as it can,
> and nothing waits for it by default. If you set the above it should
> wait until there is a Network that comes up before NetworkManager lets
> the next thing resume.
Since I have the laptops I shall try this at a time when it's not time 
in case it doesn't work. The thing is that I have the feeling that the problem 
predates NetworkMangler. Still a helpful idea.

>>> You're of course welcome to use whatever distro you choose.
>> Worth trying Ubuntu, friend says it works. Costs nothing to try ;-)
If true, I wonder why they would default to "have a network before you use it" 
mode and Fedora doesn't. Was someone at Fedora overly concerned about coming 
back from suspend and fast boot times? NOTE: that's really a question, not a 
criticism, yet. It seems as though the network restart and all the things using 
the network would be in a thread and serialized, so other things don't get help 
up if they don't need the network.

I don't usually suspend servers, but it might be interesting to see if a 
hardwired NIC comes up fast enough to avoid a similar problem.

> Suit yourself. ;)
> kevin

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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