James Mckenzie wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz<r...@htt-consult.com>  wrote:
>> Per:
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-June/002830.html
>> "Fedora 12 will continue to receive updates until approximately one
>> month after the release of Fedora 14. The maintenance schedule of"
>> Fedora releases is documented on the Fedora Project wiki."
>> I did get an update to fuse for FC12 sunday, so it doesn't seem dead yet...
> Probably the end of November is when you should expect to see updates to FC12 
> end.  Might be the end of December if the number of reported problems is high.
Yes, I'm getting WONTFIX on the problem I reported in old versions and updated 
to 12, I will report it again against 14 so it can be ignored for another year. 
I'm told Ubuntu and SuSE have working resume after suspend, so I may just 
convert all my laptops to something which has a clue.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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