
I upgrade a fc13 to fc14 and I lost the network connection.
I I retried the install from fresh and try to connect to the
internet but it failed.
I tried to set the configuration manually (ie. not using the
DHCP), but I ended with the same result.
It can ping on itself (ie. with the address that I gave, which is
the machine address when I run fc11), but no way to ping the
Gateway or the nameserver.

ifconfig seems OK.

It looks like that there is a bug with the driver !!!
The card in an Intel 82566DM Gigabit Network.

Which additional test can I make ?
the network connection is working fine in fc11 and fc13

 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |  Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |  Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |  email: patrick.du...@york.ac.uk
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