On 10/18/10 11:08 AM, James Mckenzie wrote:
> Good reason not to jump on someone for reporting what on the surface looks 
> like a problem with FC14.  Maybe asking for additional information is in 
> order before we direct someone to the test list (hmmm?)  Remember, we may 
> want to know about little niggles in FC14 when it is released in two weeks 
> and the work-arounds for them.  Not nice to find out that something is broken 
> on GA day for both the developers and users.  We don't want to emulate 
> several large software companies in that manner.
Sorry James, but if something is reported specifically and exclusively 
against a prerelease version, the Test list is the appropriate forum. In 
this case it appears that the problem also exists in F13, but the OP 
didn't say that and I don't think it's reasonable to expect most list 
members to be aware of it. Furthermore, a polite reminder is not 
"jumping on" someone. No offence is intended and I hope none taken.

People who are going to be early adopters of the test version should 
already be reading the Test list anyway, and those who prefer to wait 
should not have to deal with the noise. Otherwise, why don't we just 
have a single all-purpose Fedora list and be done with it?

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