Linuxguy123 <> wrote:
>Sent: Oct 8, 2010 12:59 PM
>To: James Mckenzie <>, Community support for Fedora 
>users <>
>Subject: Re: Properly wiping a hard drive ?
>On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 12:39 -0700, James Mckenzie wrote:
>> Linux guy:
>> Ball peen hammer.
>Its a new drive.  I'm returning it for a refund.
I said that a little tongue in cheek and with a lot of humor.  If the drive 
were dead, I would suggest that you get a commercial RMA with only returning 
the smashed drive.

Other folks have suggested using Dban, wipe and dd.  These should suffice if 
you don't want prying eyes to get to your data.  Even the simple dd command 
will work if you don't mind them asking what happened to the drive.  As long as 
the three letter folks are not looking at the drive, you should be safe with 

BTW, what was the reason that the drive would not 'fit' into your laptop?

James McKenzie

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