On 09/24/2010 03:16 PM, Tim wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 19:49 -0700, JD wrote:
>> Be ready to shell out a lot every time you need cartridges,
>> and you are going to need them often if you print a lot.
>> They do not hold a lot of ink.
> That has to be one of the biggest, and widest, perpetuated rip-offs, for
> a long time.  I was so sick of the expense of inkjets, made worse by the
> continual wastage (scads of ink purged in cleaning routines, etc.), that
> it was well worth reverting^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hupgrading to a Laser printer
> more than 10 years older than my inkjet.
> Only the most expensive inkjet printers, designed for business use, have
> large ink tanks.  But you're still going to be paying through the nose
> for overpriced ink.
Of course the "upside" of overpriced ink is that you'll think twice
before you print.  Thus, saving paper (a.k.a. trees).  :-)

Contemptuous lights flashed flashed across the computer's console. --
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市八德路四段

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