On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 19:49 -0700, JD wrote:
> Be ready to shell out a lot every time you need cartridges,
> and you are going to need them often if you print a lot.
> They do not hold a lot of ink.

That has to be one of the biggest, and widest, perpetuated rip-offs, for
a long time.  I was so sick of the expense of inkjets, made worse by the
continual wastage (scads of ink purged in cleaning routines, etc.), that
it was well worth reverting^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hupgrading to a Laser printer
more than 10 years older than my inkjet.

Only the most expensive inkjet printers, designed for business use, have
large ink tanks.  But you're still going to be paying through the nose
for overpriced ink.

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