Thank you very much geleem. I will inform you about the result after trying
the procedure.
I have posted on other forum and mailing list too but no one has come up
with a clear solution like yours.
Thanks again for your suggestion.


On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 7:44 PM, g <> wrote:

> On 09/09/2010 01:20 PM, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
> <snip>
> > 1) After installing Fedora, rebooting the system does not come up with
> usual
> > grub list of OS's and I can't log into ubuntu. I can only log into fedora
> > though I can find the ubuntu partition and even browse my files there.
> this is because fedora over wrote your ubuntu boot sector and fedora does
> not recognize ubuntu partition.
> > Can anybody suggest some other solution for a novice like me?
> in fedora, directory "/boot/grub", file "grub.conf", add following
> between ++++ at end of file.
> ++++
> title Ubuntu os ($version.number)
>    root (hd$x,$y)
>    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$version.number ro root=LABEL=/ \
>      devfs=nomount resume=/dev/hd$x$y acpi=force vga=794
>    initrd /boot/initrd-$version.number.img
> ++++
> *notes:*
> replace "$version.number" with ubuntu version
> replace "$x" with drive number. where values are 0, 1, 2, 3.
> replace "$y" with partition number. where values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
> "root=" may be "sda$y", "sdb$y", "sdc$y", "sdd$y", or "UUID" for partition.
> use "acpi=force" to force loading of 'acpi'.
> use "vga=794" to display a screen sizing of 54 x 120
> "\" is a 'line break' and is not actually used.
> *also:*
> look at what is currently in your fedora 13 "grub.conf" file to get
> idea of structure.
> if your 'ubuntu' partition is mounted, open file "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
> and copy "title" info to your f13 grub.conf file.
> hth.
> btw.
>  if you would, please post in "text/plain" and not "text/html"
>  thank you.
> --
> peace out.
> tc,hago.
> g
> .
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