On 09/09/2010 01:20 PM, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:

> 1) After installing Fedora, rebooting the system does not come up with usual
> grub list of OS's and I can't log into ubuntu. I can only log into fedora
> though I can find the ubuntu partition and even browse my files there.

this is because fedora over wrote your ubuntu boot sector and fedora does
not recognize ubuntu partition.

> Can anybody suggest some other solution for a novice like me?

in fedora, directory "/boot/grub", file "grub.conf", add following
between ++++ at end of file.


title Ubuntu os ($version.number)
    root (hd$x,$y)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$version.number ro root=LABEL=/ \
      devfs=nomount resume=/dev/hd$x$y acpi=force vga=794
    initrd /boot/initrd-$version.number.img


replace "$version.number" with ubuntu version
replace "$x" with drive number. where values are 0, 1, 2, 3.
replace "$y" with partition number. where values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.

"root=" may be "sda$y", "sdb$y", "sdc$y", "sdd$y", or "UUID" for partition.

use "acpi=force" to force loading of 'acpi'.

use "vga=794" to display a screen sizing of 54 x 120

"\" is a 'line break' and is not actually used.

look at what is currently in your fedora 13 "grub.conf" file to get
idea of structure.

if your 'ubuntu' partition is mounted, open file "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
and copy "title" info to your f13 grub.conf file.


 if you would, please post in "text/plain" and not "text/html"
 thank you.


peace out.



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