On Friday, 20 August, 2010 @12:33 zulu, Bob Goodwin scribed:
>    There is no other dhcp server in the system. About all I could do
>    is change a dozen dhcp devices with fixed addresses.  I changed too
>    dhcp since there were fewer router configuration problems using it.

I have only a couple machines on my LAN that I really
need/want to have the same addresses every time... a print
server and a computer I want to be accessible via dyndns.org
(requires the same address every time so the port forwarding
in the router points to the correct machine)... so I never
really ran into that limit before in DD-WRT.

And not to hijack this thread, but it wouldn't be that hard
to setup a DHCP server on fedora instead, would it? (I don't
want full setup instructions... it must have a wiki somewhere.)

And that should handle MAC-reserved IPs, too, right?

I would likely be happier with that, ultimately, since
if I want to run a transparent proxy I could set the
Gateway address to the proxy server, but DD-WRT's
DHCP always sets the Gateway to its own LAN IP
when it hands out addresses.

Thought about changing the Subject, but don't want it
to bypass anyone's filter.  ;-)
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