On 20/08/10 06:38, John Aldrich wrote:
> Not really... however, it may be that the developers of DD-WRT never
> dreamed anyone would want more than a handful of DHCP assignments, so the
> functionality just isn't there. You might try hacking the code to create
> your own version of DD-WRT and submitting it back to them, or find something
> else, like your Fedora box, to do your DHCP assignments (just to help bring
> this thread back on-topic.<Grin>)
> Seriously, I think asking a little SOHO router to handle static DHCP
> assignments for 15 or 20 devices is a bit much, then again, I've never
> tried this, so I don't know. I only have two PCs that I care about having
> static assignments... my linux box and my wife's PC. Hell, her PC could
> have a random IP for all it matters... :-)
> Point is, you may be trying to use a hammer to put a screw into a wall. It
> might do the job, but it's not really the right tool. In this case, you
> might want to look at finding something else to handle your DHCP
> assignments.

    I never considered that possibility since I have been doing this
    routinely over the last four years, even with the wndr3300 router
    that now has DD-WRT in it! But it sure looks like that might be the
    case now that you suggested it?

    There is no other dhcp server in the system. About all I could do is
    change a dozen dhcp devices with fixed addresses.  I changed too
    dhcp since there were fewer router configuration problems using it.

    Some of the devices are portable and have been taken on vacation by
    the users, system changes now are a major effort but I may have to
    "bite the bullet." It's more likely though that I will simply trash
    the router which has been nothing but grief since I bought it. I had
    hoped to make something useful of it ... I have a different router
    on order from a different manufacturer, I feel I got stuck with the

    Thanks for your thoughts.


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