Use Debian: CentOS8 would not run on my newest AMD Processor Boards!

On 10/31/2024 11:49 AM, Thomas Cameron wrote:
On 10/31/24 6:47 AM, Max Pyziur wrote:

My personal setup is three Fedora machines (two laptops), a Windows 10 laptop, and an older desktop used for backup/storage.

The last has been running a variant of CentOS for the longest time; backup is done hourly on the Fedora machines using rsync.

CentOS 7 went EOL in June. To that end, what does the Fedora community recommend as a replacement/alternative?

For the backup machine, I'm of mind to upgrade to large capacity SSDs (probably should have done so a while ago); but that's tangential.

Thank you for any and all advice.


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