On 9/9/24 7:32 PM, Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 01:34:55PM -0600, home user via users wrote:
On 9/9/24 11:35 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 9/9/24 9:55 AM, home user via users wrote:
On 9/8/24 8:36 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 9/8/24 18:51, home user via users wrote:
Are you looking for "9.4.4" or "9.4.5"?
Aw poop! yes 9.4.4
Still can't get it to work though
Now I don't understand!
In "grep" with no command line options (or at least no "-F" option)
and no escapes in the search string, which is it: In the search
1. '.' matches any one character, or
2. '.' matches any one character except '.'?
I thought it was #1.
It is.
I would have thought that grep (and grep -i) would have produced at
least one match once Todd corrected the typo in the search string.
But he reported that he still couldn't get it to work. The "-F"
option should not have been needed, right?
Yes, it does work with just '9.4.4' as well.
ok. Thank-you, Samuel.
A true but incomplete answer. Just because some RE gets you the data
you want in one example dataset does not mean it was the correct RE.
You seem to be missing the context. I gave the exact answer a long time
ago. The question here was about why this option didn't work at all.
And the answer is that the OP used the wrong number. This option would
have given a result instead of nothing.
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