On 9/9/24 9:55 AM, home user via users wrote:
On 9/8/24 8:36 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 9/8/24 18:51, home user via users wrote:

Are you looking for "9.4.4" or "9.4.5"?

Aw poop!  yes 9.4.4

Still can't get it to work though
Now I don't understand!

In "grep" with no command line options (or at least no "-F" option) and no escapes in the search string, which is it:  In the search string,
1. '.' matches any one character, or
2. '.' matches any one character except '.'?
I thought it was #1.

It is.

I would have thought that grep (and grep -i) would have produced at least one match once Todd corrected the typo in the search string.  But he reported that he still couldn't get it to work.  The "-F" option should not have been needed, right?

Yes, it does work with just '9.4.4' as well.

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