<snip> Given the reality, that users bought computers which Linux supported only a few years ago, and in some cases paid extra to get computers which ran Linux, it really sends a message to have that hardware become unsupported two years later. Thanks guys. Hand MSFT a big bag of FUD about "will Linux even run on your computer by the time it's depreciated or paid for?" Sadly, for once it's true. </snip>
Why in the world would someone pay more for computer to run Linux? For the reasons expounded in http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2009-November/042327.html I personally have no reason to go past Fedora 11 and nvidia for Blender I could not get radeon to work well at all so swapped for an nvidia GT8600, now years old but works very well. However I'm at a loss to understand the reasoning that if Gnome and a few other 2D apps work then things are good. A strange notion which simply doesn't hold water. If 3D was not an absolute necessity then I'm certain that nvidia and the other video card designers would not waste time and money developing it and trying to eliminate competition (linux). My simplistic notion #1 --Get 3d working first and 2d apps shouldn't be a problem. They're basically a single layer in a 3d environment. The next step would be to have other 2D app GUIs running in the layers above or below the visible layer. Then users can switch between layers to use a chosen app. Except when using Blender. <snip> The current focus is on making graphics work for as many ppl as possible first, then 3D is always further down the list, this is just common sense. </ship> Open source will never be all things to all people so I cannot agree with the above contention. The priority to make graphics work on a very small variety of the most widely available fairly modern cards seems to be a way to move forward. The problem is that no cards work well in Open source3D. Like with printers and scanners, many of which are crappy in Linux, couldn't the open source gurus focus on a very small range (say 2 or 3) of well known mid capability video card, get them firing on all 3D cylinders then promote those as the Linux / Open Source approved cards. It won't suit the 3D games people, high end power users but can help toward a solution for we who need to use Blender, and there are, I believe, thousands of us. <snip> Current priorities are: 0) you aren't running a binary driver - if so no priority for you. a) Can you see stuff on the screen at install/boot? b) can you run GNOME desktop in reasonably useful manner? i.e. firefox runs okay, no glitches, major slowdowns etc. c) can you suspend/resume? d) can you run compiz/gnome-shell? e) can you run non-Gnome desktops at reasonable speed? (yes we have to prioritise gnome over KDE, it sucks but thats life) f) does misc 3D application run? </snip> Pardon me but it's got to be a joke, can't be serious. (a) was priority 30 years ago (b,c,d) priority10-15 years ago (e) 6-10 years ago As for (0) I haven't a clue what that means or how it should affect 3D modelling and animation. My simplistic notion #2. Video card design is well known and pretty standard, so why can't an Open source electronics genius assemble a competent 3D video card for global Linux 3D power users? Yep it's only a few hundred thousand cards, maybe a couple of million but has anyone researched the possibilities? If so what was the outcome? What are the barriers? Could it be used to raise funds for further development? Does anyone care? Questioning whether Open source people are genuine because they are forced into untidy concessions doesn't help. We are. my 2c worth Roger -- users mailing list users@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users Guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines