On 7/31/2010 3:00 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 13:00:33 -0400,
>>   Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com> wrote:
>> But they probably aren't going to work with recent kernels. So that makes 
>> them
>> not very useful for using them on recent Fedora.
>> Also the ones that are paid to develop graphics drivers have 3D support
>> low on the their list of things to work on. Airlie covers some of this in:
>> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2009-November/042327.html
>> The topic is more nuanced than that. Part of it is RPMFusion users getting
>> support here instead of RPMFusion. Part of it is that Fedora's stated
>> principals are such that it attracts people who care more about free software
>> than say Ubuntu. Part of it is if you want to change corporations'
>> behaviors you need to affect their bottom line. That is why some people here
>> will advocate not buying nVidia hardware even when it is cheaper for the
>> performance when using the binary drivers. Part of it is people using
>> nVidia's driver stuff directly which changes your system in ways that
>> may be hard to undo later and may introduce security problems that are
>> hard to fix unless nVidia issues an update.
> Given the reality, that users bought computers which Linux supported 
> only a few years ago, and in some cases paid extra to get computers 
> which ran Linux, it really sends a message to have that hardware become 
> unsupported two years later. Thanks guys. Hand MSFT a big bag of FUD 
> about "will Linux even run on your computer by the time it's depreciated 
> or paid for?" Sadly, for once it's true. :-(

Your last paragraph has me confused. The part about "paid extra". Paid
extra for what exactly?

I ask because I have never done that. I have stayed away from obvious
conflicting things like Win-Modems and Lexmark printers but I have never
paid more for Linux support.



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