Samuel Sieb writes:

On 5/30/24 3:44 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 6:06 PM Samuel Sieb <> wrote:

On 5/30/24 2:12 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
I guess what the logic or script is missing (the one Kevin detailed)
is, what to do if NetworkManager is installed and running. That seems
like where the problem occured in your case. In your case (and others
like you), it seems like the condition 'NetworkManager is installed
and running' should foreclose on installing and running

They are not exclusive.  Most people have both running unless they've
explicitly changed things.

This seems like an unusual configuration (to me). I'm not arguing with
you; it is just my observation. You cannot serve two masters at the
same time. One has to go.

NetworkManager doesn't do DNS, so what do you think would be conflicting? This is the default Fedora configuration.

NetworkManager installs resolv.conf, based on active network connections. NetworkManager itself does not DNS but it knows very well who does, and it updates resolv.conf accordingly.

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