Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2023-05-08 at 09:14 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>> On Mon, May 08, 2023 at 05:07:18PM +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>>> Monitor the queue, and release valid messages.
>>> What makes you think Kevin isn't doing that?
>> I'll be clear: I do do that. 

I used to as well.  But it's a tedious task and I've not
made the time to do it in the past few years.

>> Messages larger that 60k are held and I don't release
>> them, as they are not valid. Instead for those, I mail
>> the poster directly and tell them that their post is over
>> the limit and they should trim it and resend.
> I just send the canned response which you can configure in
> the Mailman settings (I moderate the Evolution list).
> Hasn't failed me yet, though having it happen
> automatically would be nice.

I think it would be ideal to switch from hold to reject for
these "large" messages.  That isn't possible from the web
interface (so far as I could tell).

I have not had to directly administer any mailman3 lists, so
I don't know offhand what the process looks like to
configure that on a per-list basis as a mailman site admin.
It may not be possible, but the option in mailman2 were
pretty flexible and I suspect they are similarly so in

If we could make that change, then posters who send large
messages would get a clear rejection rather than the held
message reply which makes it seem like their message may be

No matter how many admins/moderators we have, there will
always be delays in replying manually which disrupts the


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