Barry Scott wrote:
>> On 13 Mar 2023, at 20:15, Richard Shaw <> wrote:
>> Does it have to be RHEL? I've used Alma and Rocky with success.
> Good question.
> If I build for Alma or Rocky will it install on RHEL,
> Centos, Oracle Linux etc?
> I picked RHEL as all the others aim to be ABI compatible
> with it.  Is the reverse necessarily true?

Yes (in nearly all cases).

The main exception is during the (generally short) window of
time between a new RHEL release and the rebuilds catching

This has been on the order of a day or three for point
releases and a week to a month or so for major releases.
The time has typically decreased as the projects get more
help, support, and continually improved tooling & build

If you don't have a strong reason to require or desire to
build against RHEL, building against a rebuild like Alma or
Rocky works just fine.  (I use Rocky Linux, both for mock
builds and for running servers.)


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