On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 2:45 PM John Mellor <john.mel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2023-03-01 3:01 p.m., Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> > I would like to RAID two of my disks, and I was wondering if the
> recommendation is to do software or hardware RAID?
> Don't even consider hardware RAID solutions that became out-of-favour 25
> years ago.  You can easily do it with LVM/MDR combinations, but its more
> complicated and slower than the BTRFS solution, especially when
> rebuilding onto a new drive.  Instead, because the normal Fedora
> installer is a bit brain-dead, unplug one of the drives and use the
> Fedora-default BTRFS setup.  Then plug in the second drive back again,
> reboot and set up a RAID-1 configuration.  See
> http://www.beginninglinux.com/btrfs for a quick tutorial.  There is also
> a good reference guide on kernel.org, at
> https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Using_Btrfs_with_Multiple_Devices
> to see what can be done.  BTRFS is massively faster and safer than all
> other implementations other than perhaps ZFS, is at least partially
> error compensating, does not demand identical drives, and can be easily
> converted into other RAID classes dynamically as desired.

I was going to recommend BTRFS but there's still a lot of people weary
about it because of the long time to stabilization.

I have 4 4TB drives in a BTRFS RAID 1 array for all my media. I know RAID 5
is a bit touchy so I have put that off until I start to run out of space.
The cool thing is I can convert on the fly!

I have installed btrfsmaintenancetools or whatever the package name is and
am running scrubs and balances regularly.

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